

There aren’t many cities that encompass a vibrant art scene, exciting architecture, city beaches, incredible cuisine and warm sunshine (in October!) but Barcelona manages them all with ease.

La Sagrada Familia Interior


I was excited to see Gaudi up close, especially La Sagrada Familia. His hyperbolic vaults, the details in the ceramic floor tiles and intricate towers – quite awe-inspiring. Not least because it’s a work in progress, using modern building techniques with more traditional methods. The 3D printers in the workshop in the basement; the concrete being poured in the towers outside – all juxtaposed with stained glass, stone masonry and skilled carpentry throughout.

The 3D printers in the basement studios at La Sagrada familia


We were only there for a long weekend, but enough to see Parc Guell and La Pedrera and enjoy walking around the Gothic Quarter. We even squeezed in a visit to the (pretty terrible!) aquarium! It wasn’t long enough though – I’ll be back!

The chimneys at La Pedrera